Guy S. Beresford D.O | Jane E. Hartley D.O | 01242 516048 |


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Used in 80 countries by over 300 million people.

  • It is gentle, safe & effective. Homeopathic remedies do not have adverse side effects
  • Homeopathy stimulates the body's natural ability to heal
  • It can often be used where pharmaceuticals can't - for babies, in pregnancy, for viral complaints
  • Homeopathy is recognised by the World Health Organisation.  It is used in 80 countries by over  300million people

Homeopathy is a system of medicine which involves treating the individual with highly diluted substances, given mainly in tablet form, with the aim of triggering the body’s natural system of healing.

When you see a homeopath it’s their job to get a thorough understanding of your health and the exact symptoms you are experiencing, so that they can find a homeopathic remedy which matches you and your symptoms as closely as possible. During this confidential, in-depth ‘case-taking’ process your homeopath will want to know precise details of your current illness, but will also consider other aspects of your health including your past medical history, diet, lifestyle and personality.


Homeopathy is a holistic medicine and as such takes into account all aspects of the individual and their symptoms before making a prescription. This first consultation will usually take between one and two hours, depending on the practitioner. You will be asked many questions and some of them will seem strange for those not used to homeopathy. The practitioner is building up a picture of your unique make up, a bit like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.


The first follow up consultation will usually be around four weeks after the first prescription, although in some cases it may be sooner. The session may be shorter, and the homeopath will ask about changes that have occurred, using their detailed notes as a reference point, before deciding on the next step in your treatment.

The number of consultations an individual may need is difficult to predict – it depends on a number of factors such as the age of the patient, how long the symptoms have been going on and their individual response to the prescription.

What We Treat

Our Clinic Locations

Cheltenham Clinic
01242 516048
Evesham Clinic
01386 41219
Lansdowne Clinic
01451 810086

Emergency Contact

01242 525 437

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01242 525 437 01242 525 437

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